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I’m excited! Monday I fly to Boston to co-pilot a friend who is moving from Boston to Seattle. I was kicking myself that I didn’t go on the last BOS-SEA trip with H, so this is my last chance in the foreseeable future. Around 3,050 miles, roughly the length of my Wyoming trip. I’m pretty confident this can be done in 3 or 3.5 days. The interesting bit is his vehicle has a manual transmission, and I’ve never driven stick before. He promises learning is easy, so I’ll either show up in SEA a stick shift pro or we’ll be replacing the clutch in the South Dakota badlands on the side of I-90.

This also conveniently fills in a lot of the northern portion of my squiggle map. I realized that doing this, I’ll have traveled in almost every state of the lower 48. The only thing that will be left is Vermont, North Dakota, Kentucky, and West Virginia. These are odd, I don’t know when I’ll ever visit them. Any air force kids out there who can get me a tour of Minot AFB so I’ll have a compelling reason to visit North Dakota?

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