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Tag Archive 'cisco'

This is part of the project to connect my Wildcat! BBS to a retro X.25 network, but it also applies more broadly to “reverse telnet” operation of a Cisco router where you telnet/ssh to a router at a given port to access a serial device hanging off of the aux or a terminal line. I […]

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I was recently expanding my analog voice empire and noticed my Cisco ATA191 was blinking like it was rebooting, and coming back. Looking at logs it was indeed warm rebooting and SIP re-registering every few minutes. I ruled out a duplicate IP address, and it never missed a ping. I was wondering if the VoIP […]

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Let’s say you’re operating on sketchy wifi and the quiet guy in the corner on his laptop is sniffing your traffic. Web is already easy, you fire up SSH port forwarding and tell your browser to use yourself as a proxy. Other apps aren’t so easy. Not everything supports/honors SOCKS5 proxies, or any sort of […]

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I discovered today there’s a way to bring IPv6 connectivity to your iPhone, even if you don’t have v6 wifi nor v6 cellular data.  There’s a Cisco AnyConnect client for iPhone which speaks SSL VPN (TLS/DTLS) to an ASA.  The release notes say “Access to internal IPv4 and IPv6 network resources”. I take this to […]

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Firewall SNMP hate

Cisco, your SNMP implementation on PIX and ASA annoy me. On every version from 6.x to 8.x, once you nameif an interface it removes any trace of what the physical interface is from IF-MIB. There’s no way to relate logical to physical, to know that ‘outside’ is ‘Ethernet0/0’. This is annoying because the datacenter sees […]

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