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Tag Archive 'trs-80'

Tandy CCR-82 cassette recorder repair

[photos: flickr – Tandy CCR-82 tape recorder] Between VCF West and the Electronics Flea Market I have been inundated with projects! I wasn’t intending to mess with cassette tape on the TRS-80, despite having a cassette of Talking Eliza. At VCF I ran across a Tandy tape recorder in good shape in a box for […]

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FreHD up and running with the TRS-80

I wound up buying a completed FreHD kit for the TRS-80 model 4, along with the self-booting EEPROM. FreHD is a TRS-80 hard drive emulator that plugs into the I/O connector on the bottom of the system. Normally the TRS-80 hard drives required a DOS to be loaded off of a floppy disk first, then […]

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TRS-80 video fixed!

Good news! A new video RAM chip fixed the lingering video artifacts I had. I looked up the IC model that was in it “HM6116LP-2” and found some on eBay. I had to wait a couple of weeks for them to arrive from China, but popped the first one in and it worked like a […]

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TRS-80 update – floppy drives

I finally got around to working on the TRS-80 model 4 again, specifically troubleshooting the floppy drives. Last time I tried to boot it, the drive light would come on and it didn’t sound like it was doing anything. I suspected the belt on the bottom had deteriorated/and or lost tension and wasn’t spinning the […]

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