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TL;DR I hex edit a binary to make it work with my “newer” Courier modems

TL;DR 2: Less than 12 hours later posting I find an updated version of USRSTAT2.EXE from 1997 that fixed my bug and makes my hacking irrelevant

Way back on the US Robotics BBS (USR BBS) they had a door program that would display information about your modem connection from their BBS’s perspective. I always kind of assumed this was some door that talked to their Total Control modem rack over the network and gleamed connection statistics via SNMP or something. I used to run Total Controls later on at my ISP and they had a vast amount of information you could collect over the network and actually had a page written in PHP that would display connection speed to my callers.

Fast forward to the present with my new BBS and it got me to thinking about the old door on USR BBS. I really care about modem connections now, trying to squeeze as much performance out of VoIP to demonstrate it can be done. I knew call diagnostics stats were available on my US Robotics Courier modems via AT I6, I4, I11, just how do you display that to a caller? Browsing various BBS door archives then I found a few programs that said they’d display stats but I assumed they only worked with things like Supra/Diamond modems or were written for specific BBS software. It also seemed kind of crazy to have a door program send +++ commands to take over the modem while a caller as on. So I didn’t put much thought into it, written off as a forgotten wish.

Calling around to some new BBSs the other night I called up Another Millennium (949-59-31337, cute) and saw they had a USRstats page that looked like what I remembered from USR BBS! I looked around at what they were doing it with, it looks like they are running a version of USRSTATS for Maximus from 1995, which is its own compiled add-on.

USRSTATS – MEX on Another Millennium BBS


This got me back to looking at the doors that were out there like Modem Stats (MODST120.ZIP) and USRStats Generic (STGEN107.ZIP). Modem Stats was the first I got working. Despite being developed/tested apparently in a Remote Access + Diamond Supra modem environment, it worked just fine with Wildcat! and my USR Courier modems. Hooray!! It was a bit basic and just displayed raw ATI6 output to the caller, which I understand now was so that it provided generic output that would work with any modem. But it worked, finally!

Modem Stats (MODSTATS)


Mentioned in the Modem Stats documentation was how it was inspired by STGEN, written by Joe Frankiewicz. So I went looking at STGEN and what it did. This looked more promising but when I got it working it would display part of a screenful of ANSI-formatted data and then abruptly end:


Spending more time reading docs and playing with STGEN (and the modified STGEN-MC.EXE) I realized that STGEN handles comms with the BBS software, caller, and modem, but it saves raw AT-command output from the modem and feeds this to USRSTAT2.EXE, which actually parses the output and makes the pretty ANSI screens to display to the caller. If one were so inspired they could write their own USRSTAT2 replacement and generate whatever screens they wanted. The QuickBASIC source code to STGEN and STGEN-MC are included so you can even modify those till your heart’s content.

(STGEN108 contains both the original v1.07 source code written by Joseph C. Frankiewicz, and a binary+source of a revision called STGEN-MC written by Michael Conley 12/14/95. I’m running the STGEN-MC version but may refer to it as STGEN)

But why was USRSTAT2.EXE only displaying part of a screen? The fact that it cut off after displaying “Preemphasis” made me think it had a problem parsing the modem output, and indeed when I ran USRSTAT2 by hand while connected it threw a message saying “USRSTATS trapped error.”

Now I’m stuck, I don’t know what it’s dying on, there’s no source code for USRSTAT2 included, and a bunch of Google and BBS archive searches don’t turn up anything. It seems I have the latest version of USRSTAT2 that exists. I went back and looked at the USRSTATS MEX version for Maximus and wondered if that could be compiled as a standalone binary I could use with Wildcat. I noticed that the MEX version had a bunch of .LOC files that were output captures for various USR Courier models that it had been tested against. I wonder what would happen if I fed one of those to my USRSTAT2.EXE?


USRSTAT2 happily generated a full connection report from the files in the MEX version, including the frequency response table:

Correct USRSTAT2 output

Correct USRSTAT2 output

Now the question was why? I combed over the example VEVR1195.LOC file compared to the output STGEN-MC was grabbing from my modem. Command output was ordered differently, so using a text editor I moved blocks of output around, that didn’t help. Because USRSTAT2 was dying at “Preemphasis” I started looking at that line in the modem output. Ah hah! At least one line of modem output from my 1997-era Courier was slightly different than the 1995 Courier when STGEN/USRSTAT2 were written:

1995 Courier ATI11 output:
Preemphasis (-dB ) 8/8

1997 Courier ATI11 output:
Preemphasis Index 0/0

I manually changed that line in my modem output and boom, USRSTAT2 produced a full report! Now the question moved to “how do I fix this output on the fly?” STGEN-MC does a SHELL "USRSTAT2.EXE" directly, so there’s no way to modify the temp file before it’s fed to the report generator. I pondered re-compiling STGEN-MC to fix up the modem output on the fly, or having ChatGPT whip me up a C or Pascal shim to replace USRSTAT2.EXE, fix up the modem output, and call the real USRSTAT2.EXE.

After sleeping on it I wondered if I could get away with just hex editing USRSTAT2.EXE and fudge the string it’s looking for? So that’s what I did. Using WinHex, I found the instances that contained ‘Preemphasis (dB)’ and replaced them with ‘Preemphasis Index’, making sure to make the new string fit in the same spot.



Fixing two strings

USRSTAT2.EXE – After hax

And it worked!!! It read in the output from my newer Courier modem and didn’t crash. I now have a functional STGEN-MC and USRSTAT2 door that produces pretty modem reports for callers. I know nothing about patching Windows binaries, so I don’t know how to distribute what’s about a 10 byte change.

I did notice at the very tail end of STGEN.DOC “Source code for the USRSTAT2.EXE module is NOT being released at this time, as development of that module WILL be continuing.” I have no idea if a new version has been released since then, if there is I haven’t found it.


As an aside, I didn’t know who Joseph Frankiewicz was until now. I was Googling his name to find out more about USRSTAT2 and found his name in an old German US Robotics FAQ usrfaq.txt file, where he talks about the USR BBS and USRSTAT and identifies as working at US Robotics. I found out through forum posts it turns out he was either the sysop of the USR BBS and/or an engineer with a ton of modem knowledge that interacted a lot with sysops. It would seem he wrote the original USR BBS door or at least the first PCBoard version if it, found as ST234B.ZIP “USR STATS V.234 BETA 5/22/94”. This zip file includes more documentation about his original USRSTAT.EXE program. I have no idea if he’s still developing software or still around.

Update 5/14/2024 7:00 PM

Less than 12 hours after I patched my USRSTAT2.EXE and typed up this post, I found USRST419.ZIP on sak.sk through random googling. This included USRSTAT2.EXE version 4.19 dated 2/28/97 which the change notes says it has fixes for “Total Control x2 modems, Courier x2 modems, newer Sportster modems, and fixed colorization of the Preemphasis fields.” This new version works right away with the STGEN-MC door and my Courier modems, making all my clever hacking completely obsolete. My ego is crushed a bit but I’m glad I found a newer version.

Taking a peek at the v4.19 binary it looks like it now can string compare three variants of the field I was having problems with, “Preemphasis (-dB)” “Preemphasis     (-dB)” and “Preemphasis Index”. I’m sure it has more string comparisons to handle other newer modems but I didn’t check them that closely.

USRSTAT2 v4.19 2/28/97

Google is very frustrating to search for anything named ‘USR’ because it desperately wants to add inflection even with quotes, and a few decades of indexing unix things with “/usr” sure isn’t helping.

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