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Monthly Archive for August, 2024

This is part of the project to connect my Wildcat! BBS to a retro X.25 network, but it also applies more broadly to “reverse telnet” operation of a Cisco router where you telnet/ssh to a router at a given port to access a serial device hanging off of the aux or a terminal line. I […]

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I got into classic Macintoshes

I think I may have used a classic Macintosh once in my life, at a Kinko’s copy location of all places. We didn’t have them in school, we went from Commodore CBMs, to Apple IIe, to IBM PC 8088 clones. At the ISP I borrowed a customer’s PowerBook overnight so I could get experience with […]

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Tandy CCR-82 cassette recorder repair

[photos: flickr – Tandy CCR-82 tape recorder] Between VCF West and the Electronics Flea Market I have been inundated with projects! I wasn’t intending to mess with cassette tape on the TRS-80, despite having a cassette of Talking Eliza. At VCF I ran across a Tandy tape recorder in good shape in a box for […]

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