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I am a computer engineer that lives in Austin, Texas Redmond, Washington Fremont, California. I somewhat recently worked in the tech industry for a promising local social network, then on a nice break from tech worked for a promising local robotics AI startup where I got aquihired by another FAANG. I have been working with computers since I was four years old banging out BASIC on a TRS-80, went on to dial-up BBSs, then discovered UNIX and the Internet in the 90s. I ran an ISP for eight years and have kept doing systems and network engineering in large environments ever since. My passion is for solving problems. Finding out how things work, what makes them tick. I’m trying to do other things too.

If it works, it’s obsolete. Fix more, whine less.

Contrary to popular belief I do not want to live in the woods in a tiny house or a shipping container. I need to be around people sometimes. I hate sitting still. I hate external influences that waste my time. I ignore store receipt checkers.

Public talks, articles, mentions, etc:


  • Large scale Linux systems
  • Wilderness medicine (certified NOLS Wilderness First Responder)
  • San Jose Sharks hockey
  • Cats, especially my two tuxedo cats Felix and Charlie
  • Rocketry, rocket engineering, spaceflight, rocket/missile launch photography
  • Learning to fly (Cessna 172SP at KPAO)
  • Vintage computing, BBSs, archiving old software and manuals
  • Firearms, rights litigation
  • Photography, astrophotography
  • Travel, 1000+ mile road trips, visit US National Parks and camp on BLM land
  • Reading (biographies, adventure, industry, non-fiction)
  • Wann family genealogy
  • Wireless networks, public wi-fi
  • Amateur radio
  • Burning Man
  • Minecraft
  • Writing perl, ruby, and python
  • Chef
  • IPv6 (ask me how much I hate NATs)
  • Fire poi
  • Snow
  • Deserts, Death Valley, Mojave
  • Hiking
  • 60’s rock music, shoe-gazing, metal, 90s rock, EDM, trance, psychedelic rock
  • Chemistry
  • Physics



Minuteman III launch

SpaceX-Iridium 5 launch

Charlie and Felix

Shuttle Endeavour

My 1996 start-up ISP

085 my favorite 172SP

Bay Tour over the GG Bridge

Fire poi at Ocean Beach



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