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After waking up and coughing so hard it made me throw up (eww) for the third time in eighteen hours, I headed back to the doctor. At first he didn’t think there was much we could do about it other than load up on anti-oxidants, then he examined me and changed his mind. He didn’t like the wheezing in my lungs he found nor the irritated throat, so they took a throat culture, prescribed Prednisone (a corticosteroid for inflammation) and generic Robitussin+codine to help me sleep. I’ve heard nasty, nasty things about the side effects of Prednisone, so hopefully this script is all I need. If the throat culture comes back with nasties, I’ve got a script for Cefdinir. weee!

Today I took care of my speeding ticket from the West Texas roadtrip. I couldn’t read the officer’s handwriting, my appearance date looked to be the 21st or 27th. Fortunately I called, found out it’s tomorrow, and as long as my paperwork was postmarked today it satisfied my apperance. Since I just found a great rate on insurance, I must go take defensive driving, no way I’m going to let this drive up the cost of my insurance again. Besides, defensive driving will knock 10% off my insurance premium. Had I planned better, I would’ve hired an attorney in Ozona to go fight the thing for me.

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